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Keeping it Real (COVID-19 Crisis)

A recent turn of events have flipped our worlds upside down. One minute all was well and the next we were being told to social distance ourselves in order to stop the spread of what we’ve all come to know as COVID-19. Things escalated further and we were told to just stay at home all together with the exception of going out for food or medicine. The panic could be felt a mile away. In fact, the panic could be felt so close that it rubbed off on you. People bought more food than they had space for, and let’s not even talk about how folks bought up all of the tissue, hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap. Schools shut down, jobs closed and life as we all knew it changed in what felt like a matter of moments.

This virus has been mad ugly. It has claimed the lives of so many people around the world. Our government has no real answers about fighting it and our healthcare systems are hanging on by a thread. Many of us are feeling afraid, nervous, and down right uncomfortable. On top of these feelings, we are finding out that people we not only know, but love are battling COVID-19. Talk about hitting close to home right.

We are trying to stay positive and even finding ways to laugh about it all, but at the end of the day, nothing is really funny. Not only is our physical health at risk because of this virus, our mental and emotional health is at risk too. We have to try to stay calm, fight fear and be as careful as possible if we have to leave the house. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve been praying like never before. Asking God to keep my family and friends safe. Asking God to keep me and my little baby safe during this pandemic!

I’m doing whatever I can to keep myself in good spirits. I wake up each morning, read my daily scripture and pray. I shower, get dressed and have breakfast with my daughter and If the weather permits, we may take a walk or a drive.

There have been tips floating around social media telling us to drink warm fluids and eat alkaline foods. I’ve been doing these things along with being sure to wash my hands, trying not to touch my face, and taking off clothes and shoes immediately when getting home if I’ve had to go out.

I’m sure that like me, many people have never experienced such a huge disruption in life. These Few weeks have been something but some good has definitely come from it. Families are cooking together, sitting down for dinner together, doing TikTok challenges together and just loving on each other. People are helping each other, forgiving each other and drawing nearer to God.

Maybe this is what it’s all about!


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