Friend Stuff
Friend: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection!
Building real, deep and authentic friendships take more time and work than many of us are willing to put in! We often want from others what we don’t even come close to giving and that’s where we go wrong!
If more meaningful friendships are what we desire , we first need to be honest with ourselves about it, have an honest conversation with our friend(s) about it, and then be willing to do the work.
If it’s not what we really want, we need to be honest about that too and be okay with the surfaced/superficial relationships we have and not compare our relationship with someone to their deeper relationships with others!
Ask yourself (and be honest with yourself)
*Which friendships need a deeper connection?
*Are you really "close" to your close friends or do you just talk about superficial topics?
*Who supports you the most?
*Who do you enjoy being around the most?
*Which relationships do you want to spend extra effort on?
These questions aren’t easy to answer, but they are necessary if deeper connections are desired!
Remember: how long you’ve known a person means nothing if you never took the time to build stronger, deeper relationships with them!