Trust The Magic!
Sometimes we don't feel like we have the opportunity to start over. We may feel like it's too late or we've wasted so much time so there is no point. The thing is though, starting over is inevitable. Nobody always gets it right the first time. This goes for relationships, marriages, friendships, education and so much more.
Have you ever written something down and along the way scratched out things that didn't make sense? Maybe you scratched out so many things that you had to just ball the paper up, get a new blank page and start all over.
You can apply these same principles to your life. Maybe you thought that man or woman was the one, only to find out that things just weren't going to work. Maybe you went you school and thought you wanted to be in one field but then realized that wasn't what you wanted to do after all. Maybe you thought you were a good friend to someone, only to find out they weren't a good friend to you or for you at all.
The thing is, just because one relationship doesn't work out, you don't have to give up on all of them, and maybe that career path didn't turn out to be as fulfilling as you'd hoped, but you can find a new career and travel a new path. The saying is also true that friends come and friends go. Meeting new people and building new friendships can be frightening, but sometimes you'll find that it's not only necessary but much needed!
The moral of the story is, new beginnings can be scary, and tough and make you feel like you want to run back to what was, but new beginnings are good. They are necessary. They are sure!