Latoya Smiter
2 min read
You Forgot To Grieve!
Often times we lose family and friends, we cry for a few days or weeks and then we "move on". We don't even know that there is a grief...
Latoya Smiter
6 min read
Resilience "101" with an Emphasis in My Truth
When you're in school you constantly hear teachers and administrators talking about the future. They tell you that you must have a plan...
Latoya Smiter
4 min read
Womb Warriors! (The truth about pregnancy)
Having a baby is a simple process right? You have sex, the egg gets fertilized and BAM You're expecting a beautiful little bundle of joy....
Latoya Smiter
2 min read
Metaphysical Dilemmas (Black Man, Woman & Child)
As a child my siblings and cousins would sometimes point out my darker skin tone when we got into arguments or fights. They would yell...
Latoya Smiter
2 min read
True Happiness!
We grow up with certain thoughts about what family is, what love should feel like and an idea of true happiness. We learn that our family...